
One of the goals of GLAMkit Events is to make it easy to create events that repeat regularly throughout some period, with exceptions and variation to those repetitions. To do this it creates simple classes for accessing these occurrences. These are Periods. Period is an object that is initiated with an iterable object of events, a start date and start time, and an end date and end time.

It is common to subclass Period for common periods of time. Some of these already exist in the project. eg. Year, Month, Week, Day.

Period Base Class

This is the base class from which all other periods inherit. It contains all of the base functionality for retrieving occurrences. It is instantiated with a list of events, a start date, and an end date. The start date is inclusive, the end date is exclusive. ie [start, end)

>>> p = Period(datetime.datetime(2008,4,1,0,0))


This method is for getting the occurrences from the list of passed in events. It returns the occurrences that exist in the period for every event. If I have a list of events my_events, and I want to know all of the occurrences from today to next week I simply create a Period object and then call get_occurrences. It will return a sorted list of Occurrences.

import datetime

today =
this_week = Period(my_events, today, today+datetime.timedelta(days=7))


You use this method to determine how the Occurrence occurrence relates to the period. This method returns a dictionary. The keys are "class" and "occurrence". The class key returns a a number from 0 to 3 and the occurrence key returns the occurrence.


  1. Only started during this period.
  2. Started and ended during this period.
  3. Didn’t start or end in this period, but does exist during this period.
  4. Only ended during this period.


This method is used for getting all the occurrences, but getting them as classified occurrences. It simply runs classify_occurrence on each occurrence in get_occurrence and returns that list.

import datetime

today =
this_week = Period(my_events, today, today+datetime.timedelta(days=7))
this_week.get_occurrences() == [classified_occurrence['occurrence'] for \
    classified_occurrence in this_week.get_occurrence_partials()]


This method returns whether there are any occurrences in this period


The year period is instantiated with a list of events and a date or datetime object. It models the year in which that date exists.

>>> p = Year(events, datetime.datetime(2008,4,1))
>>> p.start
datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0)
>>> p.end
datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0)
>>> -Remember start is inclusive and end is exclusive


This function returns twelve Month objects which model the twelve months in the Year period.


The Month period is instantiated with a list of events and a date or datetime object. It models the month that contains the date or datetime object that was passed in.

>>> p = Month(events, datetime.datetime(2008,4,4))
>>> p.start
datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 1, 0, 0)
>>> p.end
datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 1, 0, 0)

Remember start is inclusive and end is exclusive.


This method returns a list of Week objects that occur at all during that month. The week does not have to be fully encapsulated in the month just have exist in the month at all


This method returns a list of Day objects that occur during the month.


This method returns a specific day in a year given its day number.


The Week period is instantiated with a list of events and a date or datetime object. It models the week that contains the date or datetime object that was passed in.

>>> p = Week(events, datetime.datetime(2008,4,1))
>>> p.start
datetime.datetime(2008, 3, 30, 0, 0)
>>> p.end
datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 6, 0, 0)
>>> -Remember start is inclusive and end is exclusive


This method returns the 7 Day objects that represent the days in a Week period.


The Day period is instantiated with a list of events and a date or datetime object. It models the day that contains the date or datetime object that was passed in.

>>> p = Day(events, datetime.datetime(2008,4,1))
>>> p.start
datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 1, 0, 0)
>>> p.end
datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 2, 0, 0)
>>> -Remember start is inclusive and end is exclusive